Monday, January 17, 2011


Siiiiiiiiiigh.  Never has a day off been so productive.  I'm not so proud of the fact that most days off result in a lot cuddling up on the couch with a cup of coffee and a nap and very little of anything else.  I was determined to make today different, and I surprisingly succeeded.  This is probably a good habit to get started since I have 4 or 5 days off every week this semester!

I started by tackling the dozenish loads of clean laundry that have accumulated over the last week or so.  Just as I was about to put them all away though, I had the urge to clean out the closets.  I haven't done a clean out in at least a few months, so I was much overdue.  This was the result.
I usually end up letting my sisters/cousins/friends "shop" my old clothes, but I may actually try selling some online now.  I have an additional huge box of more clothes sitting in the spare room from when I cleaned out last year.  I did some searching around this weekend, and came across the site Smashion.  You can sell your clothes online with no listing fees.  I may have no luck, but at least I'll only be out the time it took me to take the pictures and such.

I was so hyped up on purging that I decided to continue my quests downstairs.  The refrigerator, pantry, and all of the kitchen cabinets got a major cleaning.  I ended up tossing out a lot of stuff that had expired or just gone stale.  I always hate throwing out food like that, but at least we have a fresher start.  We've purposefully been kind of letting the shelves get a little bare, so we can start better eating habits fresh.  But that's a topic for another day.

I followed up the purging with prepping the livingroom for a big reno (yay!), cleaning, running errands, and cooking.  My dinner came out disappointingly boring and bland, but I followed it with some cranberry almond quinoa to stash away for breakfast.
Looks delicious, so I hope it tastes as good because it's all ready to be breakfast for the rest of the week.

Good News of the Day: I can start "exerting" myself again tomorrow.  We're also supposed to be ambushed with freezing rain... hello elliptical!

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