I've been blog-absent for the last month but with good reason! I spent most of June soaking in every last bit of the food, history, art, and beauty of Italy. Amazing is the only word to describe it. That said, I do have some fun posts started (and lots of words) about everything we saw and ate while there that I'll be rolling out once I get my hands on the hubs thousands of pictures.
For now... some Blackberry quality sneak peeks.
Our first dinner in Italy on a walking street in Venice, after 2 days of travel. I sat there repeating, "I can't believe I'm really here" over and over again. The beauty of Venice totally blew me away; it was love. I also loved all the wine and carbs...
Jetlag isn't my best look, but I can't even explain how how purely happy I was this night to have finally arrived! |
One place I just knew we needed to make a stop while in Rome was La Botticella, the Steelers bar. Yes, an Italian bar plastered in Steelers paraphernalia. I suppose it defeats the "Europe experience" when you go where you know you'll be surrounded by people from your own hometown, but it was a blast. And, well, Jesus was wearing a Steelers helmet, and you can't argue with that!
Hi, sorry we look like we've walked 10 miles in 95 degree weather... it's because we pretty much had. Thank you Roman heat wave! |
Anyone else have fun summer plans they've been enjoying?
Any upcoming travel plans? Let me live vicariously through you now that I've spent my travel budget for the next decade!