Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Going barefoot

I've been a regular at the YMCA near work since last summer.  As soon as I started there, I saw there was a Tuesday evening yoga class.  I swore to myself then that I would try it out asap.  I've been wanting to try yoga forever, and the classes at the Y are free.  It's a win-win, and I had nothing to lose.  Plus, my lack of flexibility is pretty horrendous.  My hamstrings could use some downward dog time!
Yeah, that's really the best I've got!
So of course it took me 9 months of regularly being at the gym on Tuesday afternoons to finally set foot inside the yoga class this afternoon.  I was legitimately anxious about this new endeavor all day long, and I was really nervous while sitting outside the aerobics room before class.  I admit, I even googled "what to expect at first yoga class" before going to the gym today.  Isn't that the opposite of what yoga is supposed to do for you?  Relax.

The good news is that once I got over the "Ah, what do I do?  Where do I  put my shoes?  I'm supposed to be barefoot, right?", it was actually fun!  It was a tiny class, just 4 of us and the teacher.  And it was really laid back, much more than I thought it would be, which really helped me feel comfortable.  The instructor was a little chatty, was totally making a plan on the fly, and even asked the class a few times what they wanted to do.

Also, the other women in the tiny class were totally average people.  No one was twisting their body into a pretzel while standing on their head, and it helped me not feel totally out of place.  I didn't feel like a fool, but it was also challenging.  Apparently my balance is about as awful as my flexibility, yikes!  I have a lot learn and room to improve, which is kind of exciting.

I know where I'll be next Tuesday afternoon.

What was the last new endeavor you took on?  What took you out of your comfort zone?  
Will you do it again or was it a "at least I tried" attempt?

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