Monday, September 17, 2012


I found my new favorite place to run.  It's the second treadmill on the right.  There's nothing fancy about, or really anything different at all compared to the other 20 treadmills I could run on.

The only special thing is that I can see the reflection of my feet in the window.  Right.  Left.  Right.  Left.  I never would have imagined that's where I would find running inspiration, in a window reflection.  It has been such a push for me the last few weeks though, watching myself just put one foot in front of the other.  When I finish a mile I can look at my reflection and know that those feet can take me one more.

I was walking on clouds after today's run.  I'm not a strong psychological runner; my head convinces me I need a break long before my body really needs it.  Not today.  Today I cranked out 6 miles at a good (for me) pace, and it felt incredible.  No tv and little people-watching, just watching the reflection of my feet in the window for an hour.  And I loved every second of it.
I think my print screen skills need some help
Question of the Day: Where have  you found unexpected inspiration and motivation?  To run, or for anything else?

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