Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Girls with guns

I've made a second home at the YMCA.  When I can manage to make exercising a habit, I do it right, and I've been heading to the Y after work every single day... even when I'd rather go home and nap after devouring a plate of Christmas cookies.  It's really tempting this time of year.
Oreo Truffle Heaven
I've settled into a nice varied routine, and I'm even seeing gains.  It feels so good.  The big challenge is going to be making it through the holidays without 2 weeks of sitting on my couch with leftover cookies.  Yep, I have off of work for two weeks... because working at a school is pretty much cooler than any other PT job out there.  <--- my biased opinion

While I make a point to not really chat at the gym, I made a small exception this week, and I didn't mind it too much.  I was in the weight room, the only female in a room of grunting men attempting to lift weights much too heavy for them, when another woman came in and tapped me on the shoulder.  She said "thank you for being in here!"  We went on to chat for a bit, and I learned she had recently lost 50lbs before tearing her rotator cuff.  She was working to rehab it following surgery but still felt uncomfortable as the only woman in the weight room.

It's disappointing and a little sad that women don't always feel comfortable in every area of a gym when the benefits of strength training for anyone, women and men alike, are countless.  Come pump some iron with me ladies!
4 months ago... I like to think I've made a bit of progress since... and I've chosen a paint color and painted the walls!

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